Screening for PAH
Screening for PAH earlier may help diagnose patients sooner1-3
There are several ways to screen for PH per the 2022 ESC/ERS Guidelines4:
A comprehensive assessment includes estimating sPAP and assessing for signs of RV overload and/or dysfunction
Abnormalities may include P pulmonale, right axis deviation, RV hypertrophy and strain, right bundle branch block, and QTc prolongation
PFTs and arterial blood gases
Mild restrictive, obstructive, or combined abnormalities may be seen, including a mildly reduced DLCO

Chest X-ray
Central pulmonary arterial dilation, RA, RV, and PA enlargement may be seen
RV enlargement and increased pulmonary artery diameter may be seen
Laboratory testing
Specific biomarkers such as BNP and NT-proBNP may be elevated
May show a characteristic pattern of low PETCO2, high VE/CO2, low VO2/HR, and low peak VO2